Our Glioblastoma Support Services

A brief overview of our services. Learn how we help patients and families dealing with a glioblastoma diagnosis and offer support for glioblastoma treatment.

Provide or Maintain In-Home Care

Kim’s Hope will provide financial aid to families who prefer to care for, or have professional care provided in an in-home environment. As the disease progresses, it is very difficult for the caregiver(s) to maintain a job and provide care for their loved one. By covering some of the cost of unpaid leave from work or professional in-home care, Kim’s Hope will ease some of that burden.

Allow for Travel at a Specialized Care Facility

An experienced care team can have the potential to make a drastic difference in both the quality and quantity of life after a diagnosis of glioblastoma. Kim’s Hope will help to cover some of the travel costs for those that are required to travel to receive quality care. Travel costs to treatment, lodging, costs of meals and other expenses are some examples of costs Kim’s Hope will help cover.

Reduce the Burden of High-cost Glioblastoma Treatments, Services, and Medication

Recent advancements in the treatment of GBM have become more patient-specific, based on genetic markers and mutations. These experimental treatments are more personalized, expensive, and may not be covered by insurance. Kim’s Hope will help cover some of the cost of prescription medications and treatments showing promise in helping the specific patient.

Annual Educational Grant

Younger adults are frequently stricken by glioblastoma, and children of the patient are sometimes among the most impacted. Kim’s Hope will award (beginning in 2023 - 2024 educational year) an educational grant to one child (or grandchild) of a glioblastoma patient to continue their education at an accredited institution of higher learning.

Help With Funds for Standard Monthly expenses

The monthly bills do not stop coming when a patient is diagnosed with GBM. The mortgage, rent, utilities, food, and all of those expenses often continue to pile up and decisions need to made on which bills to pay - the medical bills to continue treatment, or the ones that will keep things "normal" at home. The funds provided by Kim's Hope are unrestricted, meaning the patient and family can decide where those funds will make the biggest impact for them.


A. Any patient, or a family member who is primarily responsible for their care, currently living in the United States with a diagnosis of glioblastoma confirmed by a medical professional is eligible to apply for financial aid by completing the written application.

All written applications will be reviewed by the Kim’s Hope board of directors, and selected applicants will be asked to participate in a video interview with the board to further examine the request for aid, situation of the glioblastoma patient, and what the aid would be utilized for.

Only those applications that are completed with all requested information, received prior to the 10th of each month will be reviewed for potential award that month, and any applications received after the 10th will be considered in the following month.

Video interviews with applicants selected by the board of directors will take place between the 15th and 20th of each month, and all financial aid will be distributed to selected recipients prior to the end of each month.

As much as we would like to be help all applicants, distributions of financial aid will be based upon available funds at the time of application, and there is no guarantee that each applicant will receive an award.

A. The Kim’s Hope board of directors will review all complete applications received by the 10th of each month. They will base the grant decisions on the amount of funds requested in relation to funds available for award, financial need of the applicant/family, alignment with the overall mission of Kim’s Hope as an organization, and the overall anticipated effect the award will have on the treatment/care of the patient.

A. Each applicant family is eligible to receive up to the maximum $5,000 per year in grants from Kim’s Hope. The written application includes a specification of the amount of aid requested, and the applicant should prepare to discuss the rationale for that request in the subsequent video interview with the Kim’s Hope board of directors.

Each application will be evaluated based on the information provided by the applicant and the funds available at the time the application is received.

A. Applicants are welcome to submit applications at any time they have a specific need for financial aid, up to a maximum of $5,000 each year. Any applicant that reaches the maximum annual grant amount of $5,000 will be eligible to apply for further financial aid twelve (12) months following their first award of the prior year.

Kim’s Hope desires to build relationships with those receiving aid and will not limit the total amount of aid distributed to any one applicant over the course of their glioblastoma journey.

All aid awarded is based on the funding available at the time the application is received, and there are no guarantees that an award will be available to any applicant prior to review and approval by the board of directors.

A. Yes. Kim’s Hope is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization so your donations are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID # is 87-3418830.

As with any organization, any value returned in exchange (auction items, Kim’s Hope logo clothing, event merchandise, etc.) or fees associated with the processing of your online donation if you elect to help cover those, is not deductible and will labeled as such on your receipt at the time of donation.

A. We appreciate every donation and will be completely transparent about where the funds donated are being utilized. However, with the nature of varying applications being received each month, we cannot accommodate specific requests regarding where individual donations are to be utilized.

A. We welcome support from corporate partners and as we plan for future events, will be looking for sponsors for those events to help defray the administrative costs of hosting these events. Our schedule will include a Fun Walk/Run each summer, as well as an annual golf tournament/dinner event which will require sponsor support to help cover costs.

Sponsorship levels are yet to be determined and will likely vary from event-to-event. We will also be soliciting donations of items for a silent/live auction to be held each year at the dinner event as another way for our business partners to support Kim’s Hope.

A. Kim’s Hope is always looking for volunteers to help with various tasks of running the organization and would be excited to speak with you about how your skills can be utilized to help achieve our mission of getting aid to glioblastoma families. Please contact us to discuss where you may be able to help.